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How do we define the relationship between a client and us?


In a few cases its a quick fling and a break up. It wasn’t you, it was us. It wasn’t us, it was really really you…(shhh…it was really them…)

But in the majority of the cases, Its more like a rollercoaster marriage: full of ups and downs, the occasional outbursts, but ultimately, we stick together through the wild ride of deadlines and deliverables spanning over a number of years.

The image below is testament of this fact. Its always a pleasure to see our work (photos of delicious burgers in this case) printed out and sitting on the dining tables. But more than that its the belief that we “CAN” and “WILL” provide the result they need. 

We have been working with this particular client for over 4 years now on various projects and we are thankful for the faith that the client has placed in us.

Here’s to many many more successful marriages (hmm…ok, that does sound weird but we are sticking with it ??)